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was has in ago since for and during I was married in 2005 I was married 16 years ago It's been 16 years since I was married I have known my wife for 16 years During that time we have never had any serious arguments. I got my driver's license in 2001 I got my driver's license 20 years ago. It's been 20 years since I got my driver's license. I've been driving for 20 years During that time I have had only one car accident Youtube 라이브..
비지니스 베트남어 (1) rõ ràng, chính xác : 형용사, 부사어) 명확한, 명확하게 / 정확한, 정확하게 nghe nói : 들리는 바에 의하면 thỏa thuận - ký két hợp đồng. : 합의하다 - 계약서에 서명하다.
Don't be seeksorrow Seeksorrow 슬픔을 좇는 사람, 자신을 괴롭힐 방법을 고안하는 사람. - 직언 중 '사무엘존슨 영어사전' 단어 -
[영어단어] 사전에서 abration을 찾으면 abrasion의 오타라고 나온다. abrasion은 마모를 뜻한다. - Diamonds have extreme resistance to abrasion. 출처 - 네이버 사전 -
choose one's own way. Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. - Viktor Frankl -
까르보나라와 사발와인 星期天我有时间 我自己做的,叫 carbonara 真的好吃而且好看。 还有葡萄酒 ! 没有杯子所以我用一个碗。
Elbert Hubbard The world bestows its big prizes, both in money and honors, for but one thing. And that is Initiative. What is Initiative? I'll tell you : It is doing the right thing without being told. Initiative : 솔선수범하는 자세
Printing Make sure that there's paper before you start printing 인쇄하기전에 종이가 있는지 확인해라.